UX London presenters represent the cream of user experience practitioners worldwide. By attending, you will gain the wisdom of years of experience from this amazing cast of engaging speakers and effective teachers.

Jared Spool
Jared M. Spool is the founding principal of User Interface Engineering, a leading research, training, and consulting firm specializing in website and product usability.
If you’ve seen Jared speak about usability, you know that he’s one of the most effective, knowledgeable communicators on the subject today. What you probably don’t know is that he has guided the research agenda and built User Interface Engineering into the largest research organization of its kind in the world. He’s been working in the field of usability and design since 1978, before the term “usability” was ever associated with computers.
Jared spends his time working with the research teams at the company, helps clients understand how to solve their design problems, explains to reporters and industry analysts what the current state of design is all about, and is a top-rated speaker at more than 20 conferences every year. He is also the conference chair and keynote speaker at the annual User Interface Conference, is on the faculty of the Tufts University Gordon Institute, and manages to squeeze in a fair amount of writing time.
Jared Spool will be presenting Mobile & UX: Inside the Eye of the Perfect Storm.
Mobile & UX: Inside the Eye of the Perfect Storm
The world of web application design is expanding at a rapid rate. We’re now expected to design great experiences across a huge variety of platforms, from small screens to large displays. The flood of iPad applications and successful online businesses are showing our executives that design matters.
Photo credit Jesper Rønn-Jensen